Sunday at Highfields

Service details and times

Sunday Morning

9:15am: in-person, 11:15am: in-person & online.
Upcoming Morning Services ...
(refreshments will be available after the 9:15am morning service)  

Sunday Evening

6:30pm: in-person & online 
Upcoming Evening Services ...   

Sermon Themes for the autumn:

  • We are Family (Learning to be the People of God) 
    We are FamilyOn Sunday morning and evenings during September we will start a new six-part series: We are Family - Learning to be the People of God. The idea of the Church as a family is deeply rooted in Scripture. In the New Testament, Christians are often referred to as brothers and sisters in Christ... 

  • The Glorious Christ (Studies in Hebrews 1-4) 
    Studies in Hebrews 1-4On Sundays during the autumn we will start a new series: We the Glorious Christ - Studies in Hebrews 1-4. These chapters reveal the glory of Christ by emphasizing His divine supremacy and unique role in salvation. He is portrayed as superior to angels and greater than Moses, being the exact representation of God's glory and the Son over God's house...

  • When Jesus Meets the World (Understanding the impact of Jesus's ministry) 
    When Jesus Meets the WorldOn Sunday evenings during the autumn we will study the impact of Jesus's ministry: In the New Testament narrative we will see how Jesus interacts with different individuals, breaking societal, religious, and cultural boundaries. Whether it's the surprising outsider, the religious enquirer, or the devoted disciple...

Previous Sermon Themes:

  • Words of Life (Doctrine of God's Word) 
    Words of LifeOn Sunday mornings during the summer months we are looking at the Doctrine of God's Word, which affirms that the Bible is beautiful, inerrant, sufficient, clear, and authoritative. Its literary excellence and profound truth showcase its beauty, while its divine inspiration guarantees its inerrancy. 

  • Putting on the life of Christ together (Studies in Colossians 3) 
    Studies in Colossians 3

    Colossians 3 emphasizes the new life believers have in Christ, the importance of setting their minds on heavenly things, maintaining unity in the body of Christ, cultivating a spirit of thankfulness, and living out the implications of their faith in their everyday lives, including within their families and communities.

  • The Passion of the Christ (Studies in 1 Samuel 1-15) 
    Studies in 1 Samuel 1-15On Sunday mornings during the spring and early summer months we are studying in the Book of 1 Samuel, which emphasizes the importance of obedience to God, faith in His promises, and the consequences of both righteousness and sin. It also highlights God's sovereignty over human affairs and His faithfulness to His people.

  • The Passion of the Christ (Studies in John 18-21) 
    The Passion of the ChristWe continue our studies in the gospel of John, this spring looking at chapters 18-21. The theme of these chapters revolves around the culmination of Jesus' earthly ministry, including his arrest, trial, crucifixion, resurrection, and post-resurrection appearances.

  • Three questions Jesus asks (Studies in Matthew 6-7) 
    Three questions Jesus asksIn Matthew 6-7, Jesus asks three significant questions.  These questions invite introspection, challenge assumptions, and point towards deeper spiritual truths.  Do join with us on Sunday evenings from 25th February to 10th March.

  • The Greatest Prayer (Studies in John 17) 
    The Greatest PrayerWe continue our studies in the gospel of John, this winter and spring looking at chapter 17. The account covers when Jesus offered one of the greatest of all recorded prayers in behalf of his apostles and disciples. We will do well to feast often upon the words in this chapter.  Do join us or catch up on the recordings as we begin feasting.

  • Equip Sunday Seminars (Training for life)
    Training for Life - Equip Sunday SeminarsA four-week seminar series run as part of our vision to equip God's people at Highfields. They will take place in-person on Sundays from January 21st to February 11th. Seminars will take place place from 5:00pm to 6:15pm (with full kids and youth tracks) and followed by a time of worship all together in the chapel from 6:30pm-7:00pm.

  • Christmas According to Isaiah (Isaiah 7, 9, 11 & 55)

    Christmas at HighfieldsThe book of Isaiah in the Old Testament contains several prophecies that are often associated with the Christmas story. While Isaiah does not explicitly mention the birth of Jesus or the events surrounding Christmas, many Christians interpret certain passages as prophetic references to the coming of the Messiah, whose birth is celebrated at Christmas.

  • Anthems for a Dying Lamb (Psalm 113-117)

    Anthems for a Dying LambOften called the Hallel, Psalms 113 to 117 were part of the Passover seder, which directed proceedings during the Passover meal. That's one reason the Hallel became known as the 'hymn' that Jesus sang with his disciples at the Last Supper, and why it is often part of communion services when the church celebrates the Lord's Supper.

  • The Upper Room School of Discipleship (Studies in John 13-17)

    The Upper Room School of DiscipleshipThe account in John 13-17 covers what takes place in the upper chamber of a disciple's home after the Last Supper. These chapters record the words and acts of Jesus as he prepared his disciples for His betrayal and Crucifixion. He performed the washing of his disciples' feet. He named Judas as His betrayer...

  • Jesus' Be Attitudes (Studies in Matthew 5:1-12)

    Jesus' Be AttitudesThe Beatitudes in Matthew 5:1-10 have been recognised as Jesus' most concise teaching on what it means to be a Christian since the early church. Together we will be learning what it means to be a follower of Jesus and why following Jesus turns the world upside down.

  • Fallen heroes faithful God (Learning from the Judges)

    Fallen heroes faithful GodWhat God's people mainly need isn't a king who can rescue them from their political enemies, but a king who can rescue them from themselves...

  • Life in His name (Studies in John 11-12)

    Life in His nameAt Easter, we began to look at the final major block of John, chapters 11-21, that will teach us about the life that comes by believing in his name. In July we will continue where we left off on 2nd April.

  • Christ our hope in life and death (Studies in 1 Corinthians 15-16)
    Studies in 1 Corinthians 15-16

    'How grace changes lives' was a major series of Sunday services in 2021-2 looking at the first letter of Paul to the Corinthians, chapters 1 to 14. During May and June 2023 we will be continuing our study of this letter of Paul by looking closely at chapters 15 and 16.

  • Making Sense of Life (May and June 2023)
    Making Sense of Life

    We live in a day which seems fractured.  Big questions face all of us, yet the answers seem either too small or  too weak.  During May and June on Sunday evenings we are going to be wrestling with some of the questions which make life, life.

  • Gospel Growth (April 2023)
    Gospel Growth

    Jesus' famous 'Parable of the Sower' assures us that the kingdom of God grows as the word of God is sown. Sometimes that gospel growth is hidden from view (like a seed buried in the ground for months on end). But sooner or later, the fruit of gospel growth starts to be seen.

  • Easter (Easter 2023)
    Easter 2023

    The first Easter began with friends living in terror. An innocent young life was cruelly snatched away in its prime. A contagion of fear was sweeping the community. Shut away behind closed doors, everyone was wondering, first it was Jesus; who would be next?

  • The Lord's Prayer (The Master class of Jesus on Prayer)

    The Lord's PrayerJoin us as we learn from the Master class of Jesus on Prayer.

    The Lord's Prayer has been a faithful guide to daily prayer for believers, a guide to reorient each day to walk with God in our lives.


  • The Lion Roars (Studies in Amos)
    The Lion RoarsA series of Sunday morning services for winter and spring 2023, looking at the prophesies of Amos.  Amos came from Tekoa in the kingdom of Judah but preached in the northern kingdom of Israel. His major themes of social justice, God's omnipotence, and divine judgment became staples of prophecy.

  • How grace changes lives (Studies in 1 Corinthians)
    How grace changes livesA series of Sunday morning services for autumn 2021 and winter 2022exploring how grace looks in the heart of every Christian. The series will guide us through the chapters of 1 Corinthians, showing how Paul's encouragements and challenges to that church are to shape us as Christians today, both individually and as members of a local church. 

  • Christmas at Highfields (Christmas at Highfields)
    Christmas at Highfields

    When Jesus was born at Bethlehem he fulfilled the words of Isaiah written six hundred years earlier. 'The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined' (Isaiah 9:1-2).

  • Stronger together (A sermon series for September 2022)

    Stronger togetherWe are awaiting information about this series for the evening services in September before the main autumn programme commences ...

  • A Brave New World (A sermon series for summer 2022)
    A Brave New World

    Probably in most of our lifetimes, the world has never looked so disjointed and dangerous. In such times, societies seek after explanations for what's gone wrong and how it can be fixed. In Ephesians, Paul offers an explanation which is ultimate and timeless...  

  • Summer Series (A sermon series for summer 2022)

    A sermon series for summer 2018Every summer during the school holiday period a sermon series is arranged where it is not necessary to listen to every sermon to make sense of the series. The middle two services focus on the letter to Hebrews, which was written to a persecuted people where the prevailing culture was not sympathetic to those who followed Jesus...

  • Gospel thinking for gospel living (Studies in Titus)
    Gospel thinking for gospel living

    The letter to Titus is a letter from Paul to a young pastor, urging him to lead his people deeper into the gospel. Paul is concerned about the corrupting influence of false teachers in Crete, and this concern frames the letter. He shows that the gospel presents a fundamentally different approach toward God than the false teachers do, one based on ...

  • Assurance in uncertain times (Studies in 1 John)
    Assurance in uncertain times

    This is a letter written in the first-century to a group of people living in uncertain times. Given the current climate we find ourselves in it becomes a relevant and fresh voice for us. Through the Letter of 1 John, any lack of assurance we may have is overcome by the love God has for us, and in turn, our love for others.  

  • God's relentless love (Studies in Jonah)
    God's relentless love

    For many of us, the story of Jonah is a familiar one that we've heard since childhood. Yet it's a story that still captures our imagination and teaches us powerful truths about God and humanity. Through Jonah's story, God shares a strong word of caution for his people. But he also reveals himself as a God of second chances...

  • Easter (Easter 2022)
    Easter 2022

    The first Easter began with friends living in terror. An innocent young life was cruelly snatched away in its prime. A contagion of fear was sweeping the community. Shut away behind closed doors, everyone was wondering, first it was Jesus; who would be next?

  • Solid Foundations for Life (Studies in Proverbs 3)
    Solid Foundations for Life

    At the end of February and during the first half of March on Sunday mornings we will be looking at the Book of Proverbs chapter 3. In Proverbs chapter 3 an engagement in a kind of evangelism is found. It is though, an evangelism of a most profound nature.

  • Equip Sunday Seminars (Training for life)
    Training for Life - Equip Sunday SeminarsSunday seminars followed by a short time of worship. Equip this year will take place on Zoom where attendees will be able to access their chosen seminar via the specific Zoom code, and then join a larger gathering with the rest of the Church to wrap up each evening.

  • Christmas at Highfields (Christmas at Highfields)
    Christmas at Highfields

    When Jesus was born at Bethlehem he fulfilled the words of Isaiah written six hundred years earlier. 'The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined' (Isaiah 9:1-2).

  • Who is there like you? (Studies in the attributes of God)
    Who is there like you?

    We live in days of constant change. The bewildering about turns can leave us confused in life and hope. This series is about rediscovering the unchanging God who gives us life, answers to our world and unshakable hope for tomorrow. Do join us on Sunday evenings in October and November

  • Living under the shadow of his wing (When life is hard...)
    Living under the shadow of his wing

    A mini series of Sunday evening services for September 2021. The life of the Christian is uniquely lived under the direct personal care of God. This series explores how this care is experienced in the rush of life. The majesty guardian presence and tender comfort of God in our moments

  • Amazing Grace (The Five Truths that Change Everything)
    Amazing Grace

    A series of Sunday evening services for July and August 2021. Just over 500 years ago a Polish astronomer wrote a book that threatened to scandalise the establishment and literally turn the world upside down. He proposed the downright laughable idea that the sun did not revolve around the earth but vice versa...

  • New Beginnings (How to go again)
    New Beginnings

    A mini series of Sunday morning services for August 2021. We are going to look at four different new beginnings in Scripture, which will serve as case studies, "written down for our instruction" (1 Cor 10:11), showing us how to answer the call of our God in Christ to go again and fill the earth with his glory. How do we go again after the year we have had?

  • Staring at the Son (Studies in John 5-10)
    Staring at the Son

    A series of Sunday morning services for 2021 continuing with studies in John, looking at chapters 5-10. 'Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.'

  • Mission Unstoppable (Family Services April 25th to May 16th 2021)
    Mission Unstoppable

    Mission Unstoppable is a series of four family services looking at the work of Jesus continuing in the book of Acts.  The services have been put together to communicate key ideas to the children and family members attending, such as: "We need the Holy Spirit to understand the good news about Jesus. Only with him can we spread the good news."

  • The Wonder of Easter (Family Services March to April 2021)
    The Wonder of Easter

    A series of seven family services following Jesus on his journey in Luke's Gospel. Through these seven passages children will discover the story of Jesus' death and resurrection as the most amazing story ever told.

  • Easter (Easter 2021)

    The first Easter began with friends living in terror. An innocent young life was cruelly snatched away in its prime. A contagion of fear was sweeping the community. Shut away behind closed doors, everyone was wondering, first it was Jesus; who would be next?

  • Unlocked (Stories of faith in lockdown)
    Stories of Faith in Lockdown

    Where can we find answers to our biggest questions of life, the universe and everything? Where can we find hope in confusing times? What difference does the Christian faith make to life in a Pandemic?...

  • Ready Steady Grow (Studies in 2 Peter)
    Ready, steady, grow

    Jesus seems far away from twenty first century life. The pressures of living through a pandemic and in a society that is more confused and divided than ever are taking their toll. They can make us think that Jesus has forgotten us...

  • Meals with Jesus (Family Services January to March 2021)
    Meals with Jesus

    Meet Jesus in the pages of Scripture. These all-age services will look at nine meals that Jesus shared with people. As we read these passages, we and our children will be transported to the dinner table alongside Jesus. We will be able to ask our deepest questions and hear Jesus speak.

  • Equip Sunday Seminars (Training for life)
    Equip Sunday Seminars 2021Sunday seminars followed by evening worship and a short practical talk from the Bible. Equip this year will take place on Zoom where attendees will be able to access their chosen seminar via the specific Zoom code, and then join a larger gathering with the rest of the Church to wrap up each evening.

  • Life with Covid (A Christian Response)
    Life with Covid - A Christian Response

    Covid, Where is God? In this series of services we will be looking at a Christian response to Covid. One of hope, confidence and rest in the midst of Covid.

  • A Light in the Darkness (Christmas at Highfields)
    Christmas at Highfields

    When Jesus was born at Bethlehem he fulfilled the words of Isaiah written six hundred years earlier. 'The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined' (Isaiah 9:1-2).

  • Joseph (Salvation in technicolour)
    Joseph - Salvation in Technicolour

    The account of Joseph is given in the book of Genesis chapters 37-50. Sunday services, life groups as well as children and youth groups will all be looking at the story of Joseph and what it has to teach us.

  • Life changing moments (Character traits of faith, hope and love)
    Life changing moments

    When Jesus had calmed the storm in Mark 4 he could so easily have had a conversation with the Twelve about the design of their fishing boats that put their lives at risk, after all four of them were professional fishermen. Instead he chose to focus on the place of faith in their lives..

  • Complete in Christ (Studies in Colossians)
    Complete in Christ

    The letter to the Colossians tells us not only of Christ but also of what it means for believers to live in Christ.The Christian life is one of resilient gospel-centrality.

  • Following Jesus (Studies in Mark 9-16)
    Following Jesus

    Come die with me - A new vision of Jesus - The greatest in the kingdom - The eye of the needle - Why Jesus came - The coming of the King - Anyone but Jesus - Life in the kingdon - The most important thing - The end of the world is nigh - Devoted! - Betrayed! - Crucified! - Risen!

  • The Search (The biggest questions of life)
    The Search

    Evening services 1st to 15th March were guest events seeking answers to the biggest questions of life. The SEARCH is a five-week series of guest events, including live music, refreshments, personal stories, Q&A, and a short talk from the Bible, seeking answers to the biggest questions of life!

  • Equip Sunday Seminars (Training for life)
    Training for Life - Equip Sunday SeminarsSunday seminars followed by evening worship and a short practical talk from the Bible. For a four week period we will be holding seminars on Sunday evenings (5pm - 6:15pm) followed by a time of worship until 7pm. There will be a Children's & Youth track (crèche-year9) - please bring a packed tea for your child to have during the session.

  • Introducing Jesus (Studies in Mark 1-8)
    Introducing Jesus - Studies in Mark

    Mark introduces Jesus with a focus on who he is as a person. Jesus's ministry is revealed with vivid detail and the message of his teaching is presented more through what he did than what he said. The Gospel of Mark reveals Jesus the Servant.

  • Living life backwards (Studies in Ecclesiastes)
    Ecclesiastes - Living life backwardsKeeping the end in mind shapes how we live our lives in the here and now. Living life backwards means taking the one thing in our future that is certain - death - and letting that inform our journey before we get there.

  • Christmas at Highfields (Advent and Christmas)
    Christmas at Highfields 2019The wonderful news of Christmas is that the world's most extreme divide - our wilful separation from the God who made us all - has been bridged. He came down to earth from heaven, who is God and Lord of all we sing.

  • The Radical Jesus (Jesus - Servant - Lifestyle)
    The Radical Jesus - Servant - Lifestyle

    "Radical" can be a term used for something or somebody who looks to change the accepted cultural norm. In that sense Jesus is a radical. The Radical Jesus looks to address two questions raised in Luke chapter 9, 'Who is Jesus?' and 'What does it mean to follow him?

  • Psalm 119 (Everest of the Psalms)
    'Everest of the Psalms'A series of Sunday evening services looking at Psalm 119: 'Everest of the Psalms'


  • Spreading a passion for Jesus (Highfields Church Vision)
    Spreading a passion for JesusWe've been talking lots about vision recently at Highfields Church, with our Looking Further Together consultation last year which drew to a conclusion in the spring.

  • Behold our God (Studies in Exodus)
    Studies in ExodusA series of Sunday morning services looking at the book of Exodus.

    "And the Lord said to Moses, "I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name." Then Moses said, "Now show me your glory." And the Lord said, "I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you..."

  • Living for Jesus day to day (Facing anxiety, doubt, temptation, hurt and pressure)
    Living for Jesus day to dayA series of Sunday evening services looking at 'Living for Jesus day to day'. Sadly for many the Gospel is about 'life after death', but miss it also means 'life before death'. What does walking with Jesus mean in my relationships, my pressures, my hurts and anxieties? 

  • Easter at Highfields (Easter 2019)
    Easter at Highfields ChurchAt Highfields Church, we don't just believe in Jesus Christ because we want him to be true, or even hope him to be true. We believe because we're convinced he is true: even in a post-truth Britain. But don't take my word for it. We'd love you to weigh the evidence for yourself. Why not join us this Easter?


  • Certainty in an Uncertain World (How God guided has His people)
    Certainty in an Uncertain WorldA series of Sunday evening services looking at 'Certainty in an Uncertain World'. Uncertainty has become the normal for many today. Whether in personal circumstances or the larger issues of life such as Brexit. Over the next weeks we will looking at how God guided His people through the uncertain days of Ezekiel and Jeremiah. 

  • Now thats what I call Christmas Songs (For Advent and Christmas Day)
    Now that's what I call Christmas SongsThe word Advent means "coming" or "arrival" and the focus of the season is the celebration of the coming of the Lord Jesus - first as a baby in Bethlehem and second as returning King at the end of time.

  • Mission Unstoppable (Studies in Acts 1-28)
    Mission UnstoppableThe book of Acts is a wonderful book, because it helps us to see that when we are followers of Jesus we actually are caught up in something much bigger than ourselves. We are involved in the passing on of a message that has been transforming people's lives in every single country on the face of this earth for thousands of years.

  • Encounters with Jesus (Jesus the saviour)
    Encounters with JesusA series of Sunday morning services at Highfields Pontprennau looking at Jesus' encounters with various men and women during his life. These conversations were not about personal sins or specific religious views and practices, nor were they a set of talking points or a political platform.

  • Summer Series (A sermon series for summer 2018)
    A sermon series for summer 2018Every summer during the school holiday period a sermon series is arranged where it is not necessary to listen to every sermon to make sense of the series. This summer we are still awaiting details and will publish them as soon as we have them.

  • Money Matters (The idol, the gift, the investment)
    Money MattersA series of Sunday morning services at Highfields Cathays looking at money matters from a biblical perspective. We really can't serve God and money (Matt. 6:21) and for many people money has become their idol; the chief rival god in their lives. There is a huge relationship between how we relate to money and how we relate to God.

  • Ephesians: The Masterplan (Finding our place in God's great plan)
    Ephesians: The MasterplanWe've been talking lots about vision recently at Highfields Church, with our Looking Further Together consultation drawing to a conclusion in the Spring. But it's been important to remember that long before the generation of a tag line or slogans that define what we're all about, God has established an eternal vision for His church in the world.

  • The Life of Faith (Learning from Elijah)
    The Life of Faith - Learning from ElijahA series of Sunday evening services looking at the story of Elijah from the first book of Kings. Elijah meaning "My God is Yahweh" was a prophet who lived in the northern kingdom of Israel during the reign of King Ahab (9th century BC).

  • Suffering well (Learning with Job)
    Job - Suffering WellA series of Sunday evening services learning from the story of Job in the Old Testament. In this series we will learning from Job's experience to look at the questions: "why do we suffer?", "is suffering my fault?" and we will spend time thinking about facing suffering with hope.

  • Equip Sunday Seminars (Training for life)
    Training for Life - Equip Sunday SeminarsSunday seminars followed by evening worship and a short practical talk from the BibleFor a four week period we will be holding seminars on Sunday evenings (5pm - 6:20pm) followed by a time of worship until 7pm. There will be a Children's & Youth track (crèche-year9) with food provided between 6pm-6.20pm.

  • When God came down (Studies in the book of John)
    Studies in the book of John, chapters 1 to 4John's gospel, written later than the other gospels (probably by an old man looking back on the life and ministry of his Saviour) is both amazingly simple in its core message and astonishingly deep in its portrayal of Jesus.

  • The Forgotten King (Studies from the book of Esther)
    The Forgotten King - Studies in the book of EstherEsther is about the unseen, unnoticed, ignored God of heaven who rules over every detail of life. Join us to find hope, courage and confidence in a confusing world.

  • Faith in Action (Studies in the book of James)
    Faith in Action - Studies in the Book of JamesJames is a letter from a pastor who doesn't pull his punches. He wants the Christians to whom he's writing to live well, live wisely, and live out their faith. They have a crown of life to look forward to, but tough trials to face along the way.

  • Whiter than snow (Studies from the book of Isaiah)
    Whiter than snow - Studies from the book of Isaiah"Come now, let us settle the matter," says the Lord.
    "Though your sins are like scarlet,
    they shall be as white as snow;
    though they are red as crimson,
    they shall be like wool."

  • Nehemiah (Compassion, leadership, courage)
    Nehemiah - compassion, leadership, courageNehemiah was a government worker in the employment of a foreign administration. A high ranking employee, a leader and a cup bearer to the King, trusted and respected. Then he became a building contractor, called in to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.

  • Faithful God 
    Studies in the book of RuthRuth was a Moabite, who married into the Hebrew family of Elimelech and Naomi, whom she met when they left Bethlehem and relocated to Moab due to a famine.

  • Making Sense of God (Exploring the Christian faith)
    Partners in the gospel - Studies in PhilippiansIn a post-truth and post-modern world, many wonder if anyone really does believe in a God, if there is room for faith and room for Jesus.

    At Highfields Church, we're seeing more and more people become convinced that the Christian faith is both true and good.

  • Radical Christianity 
    Radical ChristianityThis is an ad hoc series of services on how faith in Jesus requires a radical response.

  • Easter (He has risen)
    What's it all about?In our 'post-truth' world, the Easter story does sound rather like fake news, doesn't it? Do thinking people today really believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead?.

  • Partners in the Gospel (Studies in Philippians)
    Partners in the gospel - Studies in PhilippiansA series of Sunday morning services at Highfields Church Cathays & Pontprennau from January to April looking at Paul's letter to the Philippians.

  • Equip (Training for Life)
    Training for Life - Equip Sunday SeminarsSunday seminars followed by evening worship and a short practical talk from the Bible.

  • Faith Under Pressure (Studies in the Book of Daniel)
    Faith Under Pressure - Studies in the Book of DanielA series of Sunday morning services at Highfields Church Cathays & Pontprennau from September to December looking at the Book of Daniel.

  • Basics for Believers (Studies in the life of David)
    Prayer, mission, the Bible, fellowship and communionA series of Sunday morning services at Highfields Church Pontprennau looking at prayer, mission, the Bible, fellowship and communions.

  • Happy Families (Studies in the life of David)
    Studies in the life of DavidHappy Families – there are advantages to studying Bible characters. Truth comes to life because we identify ourselves with their struggles and successes. However one of the dangers of studying a Bible character is that we superimpose their culture onto our culture and their actions onto our actions.

  • Summer Anthems Vol. 3 (Meditations from the Psalms)
    Summer Anthems - Meditations from the PsalmsOne thing I used to like about the book of Psalms when I was a child was that you could always find it easily! In almost every bible if you open it right in the middle you usually find the Psalms.

  • Encountering Jesus (Meet the man at the centre of history)
    meet the man at the centre of historyWe look at encounters with Jesus and how they help us understand the kind of saviour he is.

  • The Open Door (Exploring the Christian Faith)
    The Open DoorA weekend of talks exploring the truth and relevance of the Christian faith with guest speaker Michael Ots.

  • Countdown to Mission (Counting down to The Open Door Big Weekend)
    Countdown to MissionWhat's your door of opportunity? We are very excited to start counting down to The Open Door Big Weekend on 17th-19th June!

  • The King’s Speech (Studies in the Sermon on the Mount)
    The Sermon on the MountThis is a series on the Sermon on the Mount, the discourse of Jesus recorded in Matt. 5–7, including the Beatitudes and the Lord's Prayer.

  • How Long O Lord (Habakkuk)
    HabakkukThe prophecy of Habakkuk is a trilogy in which faith moves by stages from fear to trust and from despair to hope.

  • Easter Services (What's it all about)
    What's it all about?What's it all about? It's a question we often ask. This Easter at Highfields Church we will be asking what's the cross of Jesus all about and the empty tomb. You are most welcome to join us as we explore the meaning of Easter - God's sacrificial love and amazing rescue.

  • Living in the Real World (Studies in 1 Peter 3-5)
    Studies in 1 Peter 3-5Wise Christians understand that opposition and suffering are normal for the church and are prepared for anything. That's why Christians today need the message of 1 Peter - a letter to first-century believers surrounded by trials and hostility.

  • Lessons from Jonah (Equip: Sunday Seminars)
    Equip Sunday SeminarsThis is a mini sermon series on Jonah subtitled "God's relentless gaze" with topics: A God who rules; A God who rescues; A God who relents; A God who restores.

  • The Promised King (Studies in Matthew 1-4)
    The Promised King - Studies in Matthew 1-4The good news is that God always delivers on His promises and His greatest promise was the coming of Christ into the world, the promise of a King. Jesus is God's last and best word.

  • Away from Home (Studies in 1 Peter 1-2)
    Studies in 1 Peter 1-2The 1st letter of Peter. It was written to all believers in general. Its purpose was to encourage suffering Christians and to call them to personal holiness; Peter's central focus is persecution!

  • In the Beginning (Studies in Genesis 1-3)
    Studies in Genesis 1-3The name Genesis literally means "In the Beginning". Genesis describes the Lord God, who is infinite and all-powerful, creating everything that exists, by the power of His spoken Word, out of nothing. 

  • Trusting God in Times of Change (Faithful Old Testament Characters)
    Trusting GodHow's your ancient Greek history? Probably not much better than mine! But with Greece so much in the news these days and with our planned departure to Athens in the autumn I have been brushing up on what will be, God willing, our new cultural context. 

  • Summer Anthems Vol. 2 (Meditations from the Psalms)
    Summer Anthems - Meditations from the PsalmsOne thing I used to like about the book of Psalms when I was a child was that you could always find it easily! In almost every bible if you open it right in the middle you usually find the Psalms. 

  • The Waterfall of Grace (Studies in Romans 9-16)
    The Waterfall of GraceLet's find out together what has grabbed people for so long in this Greatest Letter of All, as we join with Christians throughout the centuries in studying chapters 9-16 of this magnificent New Testament book. 

  • Love Letters to the Bride of Christ (Revelation 1-3)
    Love Letters to the Bride of ChristThese studies from Revelation 1-3 under the theme 'Love Letters to the Bride of Christ' will provide us with instructive case studies of individual churches.

  • All in the Family (Learning to be the Bride of Christ)
    All in the FamilyLooking at various New Testament passages highlighting different aspects of the bible's teaching about the nature of the church. 

  • Easter 2015 (What's it all about?)
    What's it all about?This Easter at Highfields Church we will be asking: What's the cross of Jesus all about? Or the empty tomb? 

  • Living Under Grace (Studies in Romans 5-8)
  • Honest to God (Lessons from the Life of Samuel)
  • Christmas with Paul (Advent Series)
  • The Greatest Story ever told (Studies in Romans 1-5)
  • Our Father (Learning to pray from Jesus)
  • Taking God at His Word (Studies in the Doctrine of Scripture)
  • Summer Anthems (Meditations from the Psalms)
  • A Message for All (Parables of Jesus in Luke's Gospel)
  • Preparing for God (Studies in Amos)
  • Easter 2014 (John's Gospel)
  • Jesus is Always Better (Studies in Hebrews)
  • God of the Journey (Studies in Exodus)
  • When Jesus Comes (Christmas Mornings 2013)
  • Christmas at my House (Christmas Evenings 2013)
  • Believing and Belonging (Clarifying some basic truths)
  • Radical Jesus (Luke's Gospel)
  • Waiting on God (Examples of How)
  • From..To.. (The difference Jesus makes)
  • Real Life (Enquiries in Ephesians)
  • Real Lives (Superheroes of Scripture)
  • Knowing God (Consider God...)
  • Famous Last Words (Series of Public Messages)
  • Trustworthy Sayings (Letters to Timothy and Titus)
  • The Passion of Easter (God’s Loving Rescue)
  • All Things New (New reality through Christ)
  • Praying with Giants (Pray more effectively)
  • The God Who Speaks (Advent)
  • Songs of Faith (Series on Psalms)
  • The Local Church (Hope of the World)
  • In Christ Alone (Evening Services 22 Jul - 16 Sep)
  • Wish you were here! (Morning Services Jul-Aug)
  • Life in the Spirit (Evening Services 1-15 Jul)
  • 360 Degree Leadership (Leadership in the Christian Church)
  • Life! (Series on 1 John)
  • Real People, Real Faith (Series on Hebrews)


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