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You are very welcome to all of our Christmas Services. They are open to everyone. We would love you and your families to join us.
Christmas Offering - The offerings taken at our Carols by Candlelight services and on Christmas Day will be shared between two charities: Rainbow of Hope for the homeless in Cardiff (with whom our Homeless Run team partner!), and Tearfund
With the nights drawn in, why not come along to one of our Carol Services and get that festive feeling as we think about the first Christmas?
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, ... it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.
So began A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens which hit the press 160 years ago this autumn. It takes us back to life in London & Paris during an age of extremes - personal hopes alongside national despair, the dreams of a bright future alongside the fears of current failure - with very little common ground in the middle. How very 2019.
Like many people of my generation I grew up in a loving home where church was an important part of life. As a student I drifted from those early roots and God seemed irrelevant, but in 1974 my beloved Dad died suddenly and I started to think about the meaning of life and death.
In 1976 while living in Oklahoma USA I met young mums who talked about Jesus as if they knew Him. I started to ask questions and read the Bible and realised that what it said about Jesus was true -and it changed my life. Life has not always been easy but God has been my help and strength, answered prayers and used every situation to help me trust Him more. Look for Him and you will find Him and also the meaning of life.
Growing up in Pakistan, the thought of living without a faith was impossible to imagine. On moving to the UK for university, my love for the new luxuries available meant that I no longer saw a need for faith in my life. However, God hadn't given up on me.
The almost weekly reminder at church that Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with God helped me to see my faith in a new light. I came to understand that this relationship isn't just an abstract concept - it is something that can be enjoyed. When I realised what was truly offered by God, my faith no longer felt a burden to bear but a joy to behold. I discovered that God isn't a distant being, but a loving Father.