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When Jesus had calmed the storm in Mark 4 he could so easily have had a conversation with the Twelve about the design of their fishing boats that put their lives at risk, after all four of them were professional fishermen. Instead he chose to focus on the place of faith in their lives. After the Twelve had come back from a 'mission' trip they were so excited and Jesus allowed them space to talk about it but then reflected that their eternal security did not depend on a successful ministry.
Their hierarchical cultural influence was so embedded in their lives that three times in the gospel narrative they discuss who is to be greatest among them. Jesus graciously but very clearly points out that the culture of God's Kingdom takes a radical opposite view about greatness.
During our times together we will explore the need to re-shape our beliefs and values to more conform to the likeness of Christ, and in particular the character traits of faith, hope and love.
Ted Pilling
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