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To truly celebrate Christmas is to recognize that 'light has come into the world' (John 3:19). When Jesus was born at Bethlehem he fulfilled the words of Isaiah written six hundred years earlier. 'The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined' (Isaiah 9:1-2).
But how can the light of Christ disperse the darkness of our hearts and minds? It does so through a work of divine creation as great, in its way, as that which called the worlds into existence. Paul writes, 'God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness [in creation] ... has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ' (2 Corinthians 4:6).
Quite simply, God himself scatters our darkness, and banishes the blindness of the soul. He does so by a gracious and irresistible work of his Spirit in those that have 'been appointed to eternal life' and who therefore believe the gospel (Acts 13:48). What do they see? The glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ; that is, their blindness is replaced by sight; their horizon is filled with Christ; their minds are dazzled by his glory; their hearts are filled with his love; their affections are raptured by his grace; they discern the splendour both of the person and the purpose of God.
In our advent and carol services we will be exploring this aspect of the Christmas story.
Title | Description | Location |
Light of Presence | 29 Nov - Morning Service - 09:30am - Jon Reeves - Isaiah 7 | Cathays in Pierce Hall |
Light of Presence | 29 Nov - All Age Morning Service - 10:00am - Jon Reeves - Matthew 1 | Online and at Cathays in Chapel |
Light of Presence | 29 Nov - Morning Service - 11:30am - Jon Reeves - Isaiah 7 | Online and at Cathays in Chapel |
Light of Comfort | 06 Dec - Morning Service - 09:30am - Michael Teutsch - Isaiah 40 | Cathays in Pierce Hall |
Light of Comfort | 06 Dec - All Age Morning Service - 10:00am - Michael Teutsch - Isaiah 40 | Online and at Cathays in Chapel |
Light of Comfort | 06 Dec - Morning Service - 11:30am - Michael Teutsch - Isaiah 40 | Online and at Cathays in Chapel |
Traditional Carols | 06 Dec - Evening Service - 5:30pm - Jon Reeves - Luke 2:1-14 | Online and at Cathays in Chapel |
Traditional Carols | 06 Dec - Evening Service - 7:30pm - Jon Reeves - Luke 2:1-14 | Online and at Cathays in Chapel |
Jazz Carols | 12 Dec - Evening Service - 5:30pm - Dave Gobbett - Micah 5 | Online and at Cathays in Chapel |
Jazz Carols | 12 Dec - Evening Service - 7:30pm - Dave Gobbett - Micah 5 | Online and at Cathays in Chapel |
Family Carols | 13 Dec - All Age Morning Service - 10:00am - Aled Williams - Matthew 2 | Online and at Cathays in Chapel |
Family Carols | 13 Dec - All Age Morning Service - 11:30am - Aled Williams - Matthew 2 | Online and at Cathays in Chapel |
Jazz Carols | 13 Dec - Evening Service - 5:30pm - Dave Gobbett - Micah 5 | Online and at Cathays in Chapel |
Jazz Carols | 13 Dec - Evening Service - 7:30pm - Dave Gobbett - Micah 5 | Online and at Cathays in Chapel |
Traditional Carols | 19 Dec - Evening Service - 5:30pm - Michael Teutsch - Zechariah 9 | Online and at Cathays in Chapel |
Traditional Carols | 19 Dec - Evening Service - 7:30pm - Michael Teutsch - Zechariah 9 | Online and at Cathays in Chapel |
Christmas Day All-Age Service | 25 Dec - Morning Online Service - 10:00am - Dave Gobbett - John 1 | Online only |
Christmas Day Communion Service | 25 Dec - Morning Service - 10:00am - Geoff Gobbett | Cathays in Chapel |
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