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One of the certainties of life is that we all will face suffering or hardship. While some can be easily explained, much suffering seems inexplicable. The book of Job considers inexplicable suffering in the life of one man, Job. Job takes a staggeringly honest look at life in our broken world. He wrestles through the book with these questions: is suffering God's judgment upon my life, is God 'fair' in allowing my suffering, where is God in my suffering.
We will be looking at these questions and more during our survey of the book of Job. Ultimately we will be considering how to understand suffering in light of the ultimate suffering of Jesus upon the Cross. While Job does not give us all the answers, the book helps us to find trust and hope in the midst of our suffering.
Do join us on this journey through the book of Job on three Sunday evenings.
Title | Description | Location |
When suffering comes | 27 May - Evening Service - 6:30pm - Michael Teutsch - Job 1-2:10 | Highfields Cathays |
Is suffering my fault? | 03 Jun - Evening Service - 6:30pm - Michael Teutsch - Job 34 | Highfields Cathays |
Facing suffering with hope | 10 Jun - Evening Service - 6:30pm - Michael Teutsch - Job 42 | Highfields Cathays |
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You are welcome to come along to Highfields Cathays at 9:30am, 11:15am or 6:30pm, Highfields Pontprennau at 10:00am or you can listen to the talks here a day or so after the service has taken place.
If you would like to discuss any of the issues further, we would love to help.
Please email us or call 029 2065 0740.
'The Masterplan - Finding our place in God's great plan' is series of Sunday morning services focussing on Paul's letter to the Ephesians. We've been talking lots about vision recently at Highfields Church, with our Looking Further Together consultation drawing to a conclusion in the Spring. But it's been important to remember that long before the generation of a tag line or slogans that define what we're all about, God has established an eternal vision for His church in the world.