Building the Church: Blog posts from all the Highfields Contributors in 2012...
New Beginnings
First, can I wish you a very Happy New Year! It’s a time for new beginnings, especially for Highfields as this Sunday morning (8th January) we are holding our first public service in Pontprennau.
The Heart of the Matter
How’s your heart? Not that pump between your lungs which beats on average 72 times a minute, but that spiritual organ which integrates your thinking, feeling and responding.
Morning Prayer Meeting
There’s a prayer meeting we have at our apartment on the first Saturday of every month. It would be fair to say that it isn’t the most well-attended of our meetings, but it’s a relatively new venture, so it’s early days.
In Halls of Splendour
It's been good to have my Dad and Mum staying with us this week. One of the many blessings of visitors is that you get to go to places that you had in mind to visit someday.
Concerning Hobbits
If you know me well, you’ll be aware that I’m a bit of a Tolkien nut. I’m not one of those Tolkien nuts who is learning to speak Elvish, but in relative terms, I’m a big fan.
Always Winter?
More snow yesterday and now it seems the big freeze has come.
What's in a Name?
"Christian" - a label that does us no good
On 'Eugene Onegin'...
So what’s been playing on my CD player recently?
Greek scholars will recognise the word. The rest of us just say “fellowship“!
Of chickens, Italian and a couple of turkeys...
Learning a new language can be a strange business.
Community Action
With the Big Weekend coming up soon, I thought I could reflect on the theological issues that are driving it
Just walk across the room
Yesterday I took a little walk down our road but a big step into another world
Vox populi...?
Some thoughts on Twitter, technology and tolerance.
In an airport lounge...
I write this in an airport departure lounge, and I am surrounded by life in miniature.
The Passion of Easter
In our world, to love often means to suffer.
The truth about trolls
I just read a really interesting article about trolls.
A Welshman in Torino...
So how did a Welshman in Italy celebrate a Grand Slam last Saturday?
Growing by Grace
It’s been almost 3 months since we began meeting at Corpus Christi High School...
Think Before You Tweet
Words are powerful. So it matters what you say on social media and in the rest of life.
All Change
There's no standing still in the Christian life - change should be part of our lives.