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Huw Williams | 14:00, Sunday 8 January 2012 | Turin, Italy
Yesterday we had seven. But I’m not here to complain, I’m here to rejoice. Sure, we’d love to have the problem of how we give everyone a seat since so many people are beating the door down to pray. Maybe that’s yet to come.
Yesterday as I looked around the room, we had seven people from seven different countries. Cameroon, Finland, Ghana, Nigeria, Northern Ireland, The Philippines and Wales. And then I listened to the way they prayed, with hearts full of praise to our loving heavenly Father, and with a burden (and yes, some tears) for the lost.
And so of course it struck me, what else would bring seven people from Cameroon, Finland, Ghana, Nigeria, Northern Ireland, The Philippines and Wales together – in Northern Italy – on a cold January Saturday morning, but the gospel of Jesus Christ? What else could these seven people have in common, but a shared love for their God and a desire to speak with Him?
You’d think the excitement of working with an international Church might wear off, but I’m not so sure. I certainly hope it doesn’t.
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