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Peter Baker | 20:43, Sunday 18th March 2012
When we commit to reaching beyond ourselves, we are involved in the pleasure and the pain of that movement. We risk vulnerability, rejection and misunderstanding. But we do it all for love.
That's the meaning of the Cross of Christ. For God so loved the world that He gave His Son. Gave Him up to death.
This is why the word "passion" first entered the English language. The wounds of Christ are the signature marks of a God who didn’t remain distant from His creation but entered it in order to rescue it.
So the love of God for us, like all true love, is costly. The passion of Christ - His coming, living and dying - speaks to our awareness, that suffering love is the deepest meaning of reality.
But there is great hope and a happy ending to the story of God's passionate love. The Risen Christ, stands outside the tomb of death, victorious, offering ultimate answers to our questions and fears. Love conquers all.
Our Easter series of events, this year called "The Passion of Easter", is a celebration of love's pain and triumph. Join us to explore the meaning of life through the lens of God's love.
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