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Pete Evans | 20:02, Sunday, 25 March 2012
It’s been almost 3 months since we began meeting at Corpus Christi High School, 4 months since we did our first outreach event carol singing at ASDA and Waitrose and 7 months since our life groups began meeting together.
During that time we have witnessed God growing us in several ways:
The most obvious sign of growth is the fact that there are simply more of us now! Back in August 2011 there were about 30 of us, now we have over 60 names on our database, the majority of those calling Highfields Church Pontprennau their home. If we keep doubling in numbers every 6 months we'll soon be the biggest congregation in Wales!
Very few of us knew each other well when we first began. For example, I think I had spoken to Chris Street, who I lead the congregation with, only a few times. Now we speak so regularly I'm almost calling him to say goodnight! As the church spends more time together, God is also growing us in love for one another, helping us to open up and share our lives with one another, teaching us to show grace to one another and forming us as a family of His people. It's wonderful to see.
It's an unnatural thing to want to reach out. Most people prefer to stay safe and not stray far from the nest. I reckon most of us felt like that coming to Pontprennau. Many of the reasons given for joining the church were 'its local' or 'I prefer smaller church' or 'my friends are here'. These aren't bad reasons for joining, but God is not willing for them to be the only reasons. Mission is the heartbeat of His church and we are starting to reflect more and more Jesus' heart for our community. Slowly but surely we are reaching out and praying for our neighbours, friends and colleagues.
As we see God at work, changing hearts, growing relationships, bringing people, we can't help but trust Him more. There are many challenges ahead, some of which we face very imminently, but we do so knowing that God is with us and that He is building his church here in Pontprennau. Therefore we are trying not to worry, but in faith we keep putting one foot in front of the other.
It's an encouraging time to be part of Highfields Church Pontprennau. Please pray for us as God continues to work here amongst us, and if you are reading this and you live locally, why not join us? We'd love to see you.
(If you would like to know more about Highfields' Pontprennau Congregation, or if you have any questions about what it means to trust in Jesus, please get in touch with Pete at: pete.evans@highfieldschurch.org.uk)
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