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Tim Wilson | 22:05, 6th November 2014
Running a new event is always a risk. I have to admit, at 1:55pm on Saturday I was starting to have my doubts. Only a handful of kids had walked through the door and I wondered whether all the hard work was in vain. But God loves kids and loves his people telling others about Jesus. Five minutes later people were queuing out of the door, eager to experience our first half-term holiday club.
As a team, we were praying for a good number of kids and a chance to see children come back to holiday club again. By God's grace, this happened. Forty-one kids turned up with their families and heard the good news about Jesus. We also had thirty-one children returning from the summer club, some even bringing their friends. It was great to see kids excited to see their leaders again, ready and waiting to hear the message of Jesus.
Waffleman wasn’t the only superhero to turn up at holiday club. He brought a team of leaders that did a fantastic job. Thanks to doing this at a weekend, it was great to see new leaders get involved. Friends from Highfields Cathays teamed up with the Pontprennau crew to give the kids a great time and share the great news of Jesus. All the team worked exceptionally hard. A number of parents even told us that seeing their leaders was one of the biggest reasons their kids wanted to come back.
The kids learnt the story of the prodigal son, how God is like a father welcoming children who are distant from him. After the talk, as well as getting involved in lots of crazy games, the kids had some time in small groups to discuss the passage with their leaders. It was great to hear kids as young as four talking about a God who loved them no matter what they’d done.
We hoped not only to see kids but also parents connect with the church. A number of parents stayed for a cuppa and chat whilst their kids were in the other room.
At 3.30pm all the parents returned for “Family Time”, an opportunity for them to find out what their kids had been doing and win prizes for their kids. Many church parents had great conversations with guests. On the Sunday, a number of parents who didn’t normally go to church came with their kids. After our talk for adults, guests were asking their Christian friends about their experiences as a Christian. Although much of this was behind the scenes, it was just as essential.
So all in all our first half-term holiday club was a great success. Thank you to everyone who made it happen. Why not take a moment now to pray for the kids and parents that we met up with? Pray they'll think about the people they met and the good news they heard, and one day come to know Jesus for themselves.
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