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Pete Evans | 06:26, Tuesday, 05 January 2012
If you would like to join us at Corpus Christi High School, you will be very welcome - 9.30 am for coffee, 10 am for the start of the service.
It's hard to believe that after several years of dreams, planning meetings and hard work, we are finally here, on the eve of our Sunday launch. It's tempting at this point to look at all that has been done, pat each other on the back and exclaim 'Haven't we done well?' But for all the hard yards put in, it is important to remember that what we have seen thus far is God’s grace at work in His people.
But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me. 1 Corinthians 15:10
The Apostle Paul worked hard but it was actually God's grace working in him. He planted and built lots of churches – but it was actually God's grace working through him. God's people have never achieved a single goal, or indeed lifted a finger in His service, unless the grace of God has been working through them to cause their work. That way, no one can boast in their own achievements and all glory is given to God for what is achieved.
Therefore, as we look forward to this Sunday, we praise God for everything He has done through us so far. And we rely on His grace to continue the work in us – praying He will achieve mighty things for the honour and praise of His Name in Pontprennau.
(If you would like to know more about Highfields' Pontprennau Congregation, or if you have any questions about what it means to trust in Jesus, please get in touch with Pete at: pete.evans@highfieldschurch.org.uk)
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