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Huw Williams | 13:23, Friday 24 February 2012 | Turin, Italy
While trying to practice our Italian over a pizza with a couple from church this week, one of the waiters moved through the restaurant looking very concerned, apparently asking everyone if they had parked a white chicken ('Pollo') outside, and if so would they please move it.
Fortunately we had left our chicken in the freezer that evening and opted to travel by tram but it seemed like a very strange request. I've observed some interesting cultural differences between Cardiff and Torino but this one really was going to top the list. I was only sorry that hitherto I was yet to witness even one person going about their business by chicken, but it certainly was something I was going to look forward to with no small amount of anticipation.
Somewhat perplexed, we asked what he could possibly be talking about when our friends gently pointed out that he was talking about a 'white Polo'. Of the Volkswagen variety.
It would seem (as if we needed a reminder) that we still have a lot to learn.
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