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The Hankey family are currently church planting in the Adamsdown/Splott area of Cardiff’s inner city. Dai leads Red Community - a Christian charity that seeks to passionately, prayerfully, creatively combat human trafficking in Wales. Michelle is involved in various ministries to asylum seekers. Dai regularly preaches in churches, prisons and youth events around Wales and writes books too.
dai@redcommunity.co.uk // www.redcommunity.co.uk
As soon as I got saved as a teenager I knew I had to share the gospel with other people. When I came to Cardiff I ended up at Highfields where I was encouraged, equipped and then released into mission. I have been a mission’s partner since 1999 and I am so thankful for this church.
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Huw Williams was appointed as a new full time elder/pastor at Hillside Evangelical Church during the summer 2019 and took up his post in September 2019
Contact: UFM, 145 Faringdon Road, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN1 5DL.
Mission Board Link: Sophie Rees
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Yorkshire Camps runs residential holidays for children aged 8-18 at our centre in the Yorkshire Dales. Our 3 aims are for children to; Enjoy an action-packed holiday, Explore the Christian message, and Enlarge their faith. We run camps during the holidays, weekends away for church groups, and school residentials. All these include time explaining the Bible as well as a range of games & activities. We also run a gap-year programme. My role is to speak or lead on camps and help oversee the gap team. My wife Gill works locally as a physio and also helps support the team.
How have you seen God work in your ministry?
Yorkshire Camps has seen an amazing array of answered prayers since its inception just 4 years ago. God has been at work for us to provide our home at Netherside Hall. Now with building work near completion, and hosting camps most weeks we have the privilege of seeing God at work through us. It’s been a thrill to receive feedback like the following; the first is from a teenager, the second from a group leader after bringing their group of mostly unchurched kids; “Thank you for an amazing camp. I really wasn’t sure about coming because I’ve had a rough year in terms of faith and wasn’t sure if I even still believed. I have really enjoyed everything!!”. “On the way home Isabel suddenly shouted down the minibus, "What I learned this week is that Jesus died for our sins because we (short pause) tell lies."”. Thank God that He is using us to help Children discover who he is and what he’s done, and to help teenagers remain firm in their faith. Ask God that he would continue to work in this way!
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The Cross-Cultural Mission Committee is:
Alison Bolton, Tony Cort, Rowland Hughes, Helen Jones, Sarah Norton & Sophie Rees.
Highfields Church has a new Cross Cultural Mission policy: