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Sophie Rees | November 2012, Highfields Book of the Month
By John Piper - (2010) Nottingham: Inter Varsity Press
John Piper begins his book with the central idea: 'Missions exists because worship doesn't'. He explains how . How can we proclaim "Let the nations be glad and rejoice in God!" to others until we first say to ourselves "I delight in the Lord!"? He explores how we exalt the the glory of God in the purpose, power and price of missions (worship, prayer and suffering). He then goes on the show how Christ is to be the central focus of all proclamation and saving faith.
"We are saying that the coming of Jesus Christ into the world is an event of such stupendous proportions that a change has occurred in the necessary focus of saving faith. Before Jesus' coming, saving faith reposed in the forgiving and helping mercy of God displayed in events such as the exodus and in the sacrificial offerings and in prophetic promises such as Isaiah 53. Jesus was not known. The mystery that the nations would be fully included through the preaching of his name was kept secret for ages... But "now"...something new has happened. The Son of God has appeared. He has revealed the Father. He has atoned for sin. He has risen from the dead. His authority as universal Judge has been vindicated. And the messgae of his saving work is to be spread to all peoples. This turn in redemptive history is for the glory of Jesus Christ. It's aim is to put him at the centre of all God's saving work. Therefore, it accords with this purpose that henceforth Christ be the sole and necessary focus of saving faith."
Finally he addresses the practical outworking of compassion and worship, "Worship is right affections in the heart towards God, rooted in right thoughts in the head about God, becoming visible in right actions of the body reflecting God."
As is typical of Piper, it is therefore, a book with very practical applications for each one of us who are keen to declare his glory to all those around us as well as to the the nations. Read and be encouraged!
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