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Phil Jenkins | 21:45, 22 March 2014
On the Richter scale of personal earthquakes moving house is right up there, just behind death of a spouse and divorce. I suppose that's because it's not simply the physical exhaustion of packing boxes and booking vans it's the emotional drain of saying good bye to one life and starting a new one when, for everyone else around you, life continues as normal.
So our thoughts and prayers are very much with Dave and Sally Gobbett and the children as they are in that limbo existence at the moment. Like many of us who have moved house they have hit the frustration of initial moving dates being changed with no certainty yet of a new date for arriving in Cardiff. But come 29th March, God willing, we will be officially welcoming them to our church family and inducting Dave as lead minister of Highfields Church.
As Dave and Sally begin a new life in Cardiff and we begin a new era in the life of our church, we are filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude to God for his faithfulness over the last 28 years of the church’s existence. Our studies in Hebrews over the past months have continually brought us back to the truth that Jesus is always better and because of that truth, for the Christian, the best is yet to come.
Like Abraham, who had quite a lot of packing to do when he left Ur to begin his journey into an unknown future, we too are called to walk by faith. And even when he arrived in the Promised Land "he made his home there like a stranger in a foreign country, he lived in tents." Moving house helps us maintain that pilgrim perspective on life as we are all on a journey – a journey with God and a journey to God.
And as we welcome Dave and Sally, Ella-Beth, Owen and Barney to Cardiff we look forward to their joining us for this next exciting leg of our journey as the people of God. But hopefully the house move will go through quickly and Dave and Sally won't have to live in tents!
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