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As a church community we want to offer our help for the Cardiff area.
During this time many feel isolated. Let us know if you would like to be connected with others in our church community. Please email for further details: office@highfieldschurch.org.uk
We have set up a fund to support one another within the Highfields fellowship. It is recognised that for some, the reality of loving support means financial help for a season. We want to emphasise that this fund is not charity, but an outworking of Sharing our Lives together - our common life in Christ. Following what Paul says in 2 Cor. 8.13-15, we are confident that our united lives in Highfields are not accidental, but by Divine design. Part of God's design is to grant plenty to some, in order to support those among us who are temporarily in need.
The Sharing our Lives Fund is intended for those who are able to contribute beyond their regular giving to the church and wish to support others who are facing financial hardship. The fund will be overseen by an appointed team under the oversight of the elders. Those who receive help will be encouraged to, contribute back into the Sharing our Lives Fund if God brings them to a place when they can help others in the same way.
Please email your form to the Church Office at solf@highfieldschurch.org.uk
Information letter.pdf — PDF document, 74 KB (76177 bytes)
Sharing our Lives Fund Application.pdf — PDF document, 141 KB (145310 bytes)
Sharing our Lives Fund Application.docx — Word document, 13 KB (13953 bytes)
Sharing Our Lives Fund Donation form.pdf — PDF document, 100 KB (102645 bytes)
Sharing Our Lives Fund Donation form.doc — Word Document, 47 KB (48128 bytes)
There will be a collection point at Highfields Church Cathays every Tuesday between 5pm to 6pm until further notice. The food collected will be going to the asylum seekers and vulnerable people as well as the homeless.
Rainbow of Hope food collection for asylum seekers
For the homeless/hostel locations:
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A grief recovery support group giving help and healing for the hurt of losing a loved one.
From 10th March 2025, Highfields Church will be starting 'GriefShare' - a grief support group for those who would like to find hope and healing after the death of a loved one.
This will run weekly on a Monday from 19:30 to 21:00 in the Highfields Dalton Street Centre - just down the road from the Highfields Church main building.