Sunday 3rd December 2023

Services on this Sunday at Highfields Church, Cathays, Cardiff
To us a child is born Dec 03, 2023 from 09:15 AM to 10:25 AM Online and at Cathays in Chapel,
03 Dec - Morning Service - 09:15am - Jon Reeves - Isaiah 9:1-7
To us a child is born Dec 03, 2023 from 11:15 AM to 12:25 PM Online and at Cathays in Chapel,
03 Dec - Morning Service - 11:15am - Jon Reeves - Isaiah 9:1-7
Carols on the Street Dec 03, 2023 from 05:00 PM to 06:20 PM Meet at Highfields Church Cathays - Monthermer Road, Cardiff CF24 4QW,
03 Dec - Neighbourhood Carols - 5:00pm

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Christmas at HighfieldsYou are very welcome to all of our Christmas Services. They are open to everyone. We would love you and your families to join us.

Children & Youth

Tiny Toes (0-2 year olds): Coffee Lounge at 9:15am and 11:15am
Footsteps (2-4 year olds): Triple Room - Downstairs under the Chapel at 9:15am and 11:15am
Trailblazers (Rec - yr6): Downstairs in the Pierce Hall at 9:15am and 11:15am

Edge on Sundays (yr7 - yr10): Downstairs under the Chapel in the Double Room & GF Room at 11:15am

What To Expect

A time of singing and praying.

A few notices about what is going on in the Church. A children's talk and a song possibly with actions when there is a family service.

A talk based on the Bible reading(s) during the regular Sunday service