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Refreshments available between the morning services in the Pierce Hall and after the evening service in the Coffee Lounge. Library and Bookstall also available.
Creche: Downstairs under the Chapel
Rec - yr6: Kids Church in the Pierce Hall, 3-5 yr olds welcome at start*
yr7 - yr8: Upstairs in the Coffee Lounge*
yr9 - yr10: Downstairs in the Geraint Fielder Room*
*No Trailblazers or youth group during the 11:15am service 21st Jan-11th Feb
A time of singing and praying, during which we will take up our offering. Please do not feel obliged to contribute.
A few notices about what is going on in the Church.
A practical talk from the Bible.
Stick around, have a chat and enjoy a drink between the services in the morning (downstairs in the Pierce Hall) and after the service in the evening (upstairs in the Coffee Lounge).