Building the Church: Blog posts from all the Highfields Contributors in 2012...
From whom all blessings flow
Reflections on an extraordinary week in the Williams family
3 Flights and a Baby
Easter is always about new life, but this year in Turin, there was an extra reason to celebrate.
On routines, on 4am alarm calls, and other things...
Reflections of a brand new Dad
Focusing the eyes
A little reflection on babies and studying the book of Ruth.
The joyful opportunity to love
Seeing the heart of God in the love of His people.
Grace Awakened Eyes
We've had so many positive responses on social media and email to the recent broadcast service.
The importance of journeys
Thoughts on the importance of not standing still.
The Ministry of Music
Let me begin with a confession! I can’t keep up with the output of contemporary worship songs - there's just too much being streamed.
Call and response
We were excited to hear that both the International Church of Torino and Highfields seemed to coincide with looking at the book of Titus.
Reasons to be Thankful
Our lives are filled with things to be thankful for.
God Save the Queen!
The Diamond Jubilee raises all sorts of questions about the institution of the Monarchy and a Christian response to it.
Changed lives
Just what exactly does it take to change a life?
Falstaff, Authenticity and Generation A-Z
Some thoughts on Elgar, Shakespeare and contemporary culture...
Our Father in Heaven
We live in a competitive world.
Tastes of home
On food, culture and home...
The Heart directs your life more than any smart device
I've been a fairly reluctant and late adopter of the mobile phone.
Worlds apart
Life can be far more than just different perspectives.
Sporting glory
Sports lovers are in heaven this summer.
Summer reading
Something refreshing for the plane or the pool (and probably cheaper than a cup of tea on most airlines...)
A Pastor tries to relax
When I go on holiday, I pass through three stages.