Video: Spending time with God

Invitation to join with the fellowship at Highfields Church

This coming year we want to encourage everyone to join in together to read through the Bible and pray for one another through the Lord's Prayer. Please watch this video from Michael for more information

There is a book - Authority & Joy - to accompany the plan, which is available in the Bookstall for £3.50 . Authority and Joy

Lord's Prayer Through 7 Days

The Lord's Prayer gives us a structure for praying. Praying through each day for our personal needs and God's purposes in the world. This plan enables us to pray through one line of the Lord's Prayer each day for ourselves and the fellowship.

Day 1 'Our Father in heaven'
Personal: our secure sonship in Christ
Fellowship: greater personal experience of sonship in Highfields.

Day2 'Hallowed be Your name'
Personal: Meditate on the Greatness of God
Fellowship: Greater vision of God in Highfields.

Day 3 'Your kingdom come'
Personal: Pray for the salvation of those in our world
Fellowship: A greater passion to share the Gospel.

Day4 'Your will be done, on earth as in heaven'
Personal: Deeper passion for obedience and holiness
Fellowship: Greater passion for holy living in Highfields.

Day 5 'Give us this day our daily bread'
Personal: Pray for your needs and for generosity with abundance
Fellowship: Those in need and generosity in Highfields.

Day 6 'And forgive us our sins, as we forgive our debtors'
Personal: Pray through a deeper forgiveness towards others
Fellowship: A passion to forgive each other in Highfields.

Day 7 'Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil'
Personal: Pray for help in your sins, protection from evil
Fellowship: Protection from evil and sin in Highfields.

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