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Just over 500 years ago a Polish astronomer wrote a book that threatened to scandalise the establishment and literally turn the world upside down. He proposed the downright laughable idea that the sun did not revolve around the earth but vice versa. It was religious suicide. It flew in the face of the man-on-the-street wisdom let alone the Bible. Yet Nicholas Copernicus was right. The earth really does revolve around the sun. I’m sorry if that’s breaking news for you.
Now around the same time as Copernicus was working on his book, a Swiss theologian was also writing a book that would scandalise the establishment too and which would also turn the world upside down. More...
Catch up here on sermons in this mini series.
Whole service video for this series is available immediately after the Sunday service. Sermon audio and podcast audio is normally available within half an hour of the service finishing.
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