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Evelyne Thomas | 21:30, 07 April 2014
When I was studying for my A-levels I managed to get myself a Saturday job in a shop. I remember I often
dreaded Fridays because I knew that Saturday would follow. The majority of my shift was spent watching the
time and getting annoyed when customers distracted me from the book I was reading. I remember thinking that working a five day week might work for some people but never would I be able to survive such a thing.
I guess that melodramatic drama queen who struggled working 6 hours a week was wrong. I am now well over half way through my year at Highfields and have come to realise that work can be rather enjoyable. Who knows, maybe it's because I work in a church with like-minded brothers and sisters in Christ or maybe it's because we strive towards something far greater than high profit margins or table ranking but I no longer get that 'Monday feeling' that I used to once get on a Friday. As well as being able to test my gifts doing youth work, communications etc. I have also grown in my knowledge of the Bible through the Network course. This knowledge however, is more than an academic knowledge. Through closely looking at the Bible, God has continued to reveal more of himself to me through scripture, helping me grow in my love and knowledge of Him.
In addition to this, aside from worrying that the PowerPoint will work okay and the headlines won't have any major grammatical errors, I am beginning to enjoy Sunday worship in a new way. I've always looked forward to church on Sundays, but with church quite easily becoming work and business throughout the week, coming together to worship God on a Sunday has helped renew my perspective of what church really is and continues to remind me to keep the main thing the main thing in whatever I do and wherever I work, whether it be in church work or secular work.
So having passed the half way mark of my year at Highfields my prayer for the year is that in all that I do at work and at home, I will "keep my eyes fixed on Jesus the pioneer and perfector of faith."
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