Highfields @ Pontprennau [Old]

Highfields Church now meets in Pontprennau every Sunday morning in addition to our regular services in Cathays.


We meet every Sunday morning for coffee at 9.30am followed by the service at 10am.


Corpus Christi High School, Ty-Draw Road, Pontprennau, CF23 6XL. You can park on site.

What will it be like?

An informal family-friendly service with some songs, prayers and practical, contemporary bible-teaching. Basically, it's everything you've come to know and love at Highfields Church in Cathays but in Pontprennau!

Why Pontprennau?

The suburb of Pontprennau is growing year on year. We thought it was a shame there was only one ecumenical church to serve this expanding area of the city. A few members of Highfields Church live in Pontprennau and they came up with the idea of starting a new church congregation to help meet the needs of people in the area. The leaders of Highfields thought this was a great plan and since then they've been working and praying hard to make it happen. A core group of around 30 people have been meeting together in home groups during the week since the autumn of 2011.

How does this congregation relate to the rest of Highfields?

As a satellite congregation of Highfields Church, the Pontprennau group will remain under the leadership of the current Highfields elders. The congregation will enjoy all the benefits of being part of a large and thriving Christian community, from the teaching programme to shared resources. But its primary focus will be to serve and share the gospel with people in Pontprennau. 


If you would like to know more about Highfields Church Pontprennau, please feel free to turn up unannounced at one of our services on Sunday mornings. You can be assured of a warm welcome. You can also email Pete Evans at pete.evans@highfieldschurch.org.uk or call the Highfields office on 029 2065 0740.


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« June 2024 »
Where We Meet

You are welcome to join The Bridge Church in Pontprennau *this Sunday at 

Pontprennau Primary School, Heol Pontprennau, Cardiff CF23 8LL

Venue location ...