The Messiah

Advent 2024

The MessiahOn Sunday mornings during Advent we will be thinking about how the Old Testament points us to the Messiah. 

The Hebrew Bible contains several passages in Isaiah and Malachi that are interpreted as foretelling the coming of the Messiah or Messianic age. We will be looking at the three passages highlighted in Handel's Messiah, which point to the coming of Jesus Christ as the fulfilment of Old Testament prophecies:

(i) Isaiah 40 speaks of preparation, with John the Baptist heralding Jesus' arrival. (ii) Isaiah 53 vividly describes Jesus' suffering and sacrificial death for humanity’s sins. (iii) Malachi 3 highlights the dual roles of John as the preparatory messenger and Jesus as the Lord who ushers in the new covenant of salvation.

These prophecies form a foundation for the Christian belief that Jesus is the promised Messiah who brings redemption to the world.

Isaiah 40

Isaiah 40

01 Dec - 'Comfort ye my people' - Morning Service - 11:15am - Jonathan Thomas

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Isaiah 53

Isaiah 53

08 Dec - 'All We Like Sheep' - Morning Service - 9:15am - Dave Gobbett

This morning
Isaiah 53

Isaiah 53

08 Dec - 'All We Like Sheep' - Morning Service -11:15am - Dave Gobbett

This morning
Malachi 3

Malachi 3

15 Dec - 'And He Shall Purify' - Morning Service - 10:15am - Michael Teutsch


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Small Study Groups

Rev Dave Gobbett"The Christian life is a series of important connection points to God.

One of them at Highfields is involvement in a small study group. I hope you can connect with us that way."

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