
& How to





Matters (1)

Matters (2)

Matters (1)

Matters (2)


Rounded Rectangle: How to use your family resource
Choose some times in the week when the family resource will work for you.  Maybe choose one or two slots in the week round a meal and try one of the bigger activities at the weekend.  The most important thing is it’s a time that works for your family where everybody can get involved
2)	Look through the resource and choose an activity that matches the 	time 	you have available and the members of your family.  Some of the  activities 	split nicely across the month and some you will have to work out	what is 	best for your family
3)	Pray that God will bless your time together, and make sure it’s lots of fun!
Rounded Rectangle: Welcome to this edition of family matters.  This time round we’re going to look at the topic of prayer, something that is so important for our families but sometimes something that we as adults find tough.  It doesn’t seem to be such a problem for kids though.  Kids are great pray-ers', they can talk to God about anything. Here’s are a few of my favourites kids’ prayers.
"Dear God, when my mom makes leftovers, do I have to pray for the food again?" 

"Dear God, I don't think anybody could be a better God. Well, I just want you to know that I am not just saying that because You are God already."

"Dear God, I didn't think orange went with purple until I saw the sunset you made on Tuesday night. That was really cool."
"Dear God, I went to this wedding and they were kissing right there in church. Is that OK?"
Inside this edition you’ll find stories and studies about prayer you can do as a family and there are also lots of creative prayer ideas to help you get praying together. Also look out for the parents pages at the back with a month’s challenge on praying for your kids.
My Prayer is that your family continues to enjoy time with each other and with God.
                                God Bless,

Children and families worker,

Highfields Church