
& How to

Memory & Talking


Matters (1)

Matters (2)


Rounded Rectangle: How to use your family resource

Choose some times in the week when the family resource will work for you.  Maybe choose one or two slots in the week round a meal and try one of the bigger activities at the weekend.  The most important thing is it’s a time that works for your family where everybody can get involved
2)	Look through the resource and choose an activity that matches the 	time you have available and the members of your family.  Some of the 	activities split nicely across the month and some you will have to work 	out what is best for your family
3)	Pray that God will bless your time together, and make sure it’s lots of 	fun!
Rounded Rectangle: Welcome to this special mini edition of family matters, which coincides with our ‘Passion 2013’ celebration here at Highfields Church.  It’s a great time of year in church where we get to remember Jesus’ death and celebrate his resurrection.  It’s also a great time of year for families to do this together doing the holiday period.  
I hope the family resource has been helping your family together in God. If you have a picture of something you’ve made from the resource or maybe a video of your family saying one of the verses you’ve learnt together why not send it in so we can share it!
I hope you have a very happy Easter and look forward to joining with you in our celebrations here at Highfields church over this period
God Bless,

Children and families worker,

Highfields Church, Cardiff